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1927 Rochester Telephone Directory for Nunda & Dalton

Phone directories can be helpful for finding family in an "off" census year. Here is the phone directory for 1927.

We begin with a list of surnames for each of the towns which will allow a search engine to indicate what names appear. Then look through the alphabetical listings to find the person. The "r" stands for residence. We also have directory listings for 1905 and 1938.


Nunda Surnames found in the directory.

Allen, Alvord, Andrus, Austin, Bailey, Baldwin, Balty, Barager, Barber, Barnes, Bates, Beardsley, Beck, Belden, Bennett, Bentley, Blood, Bodine, Bolton, Boyd, Brink, Brokaw, Brown, Burdick, Burgie, Campbell, Carley, Carrick, Carroll, Chambers, Chase, Chasey, Chidsey, Chizlett, Clemens, Close, Coe, Conklin, Conrad, Brai, Crawford, Dake, DeGroff, DeMocker, DePuy, Dolan, Doolittle, Dowling, Doyle, Duryea, Dygert, Eastwood, Ebert, Eckhart, Ess, Flemming, Flint, Foote, Fox, Framingham, Fritz, Fuller, Galentine, Gallton, Galton, Gamble, Gibson, Giddings, Gillette, Glovr, Goldwait, Foodrich, Gordan, Gordon, Gormel, Gotro, Gould, Graves, Green, Haines, Hallauer, Halsted, Harper, Hayre, Heiman, Henry, Herrington, Hewitt, Higgins, Hinkley, Holleran, Holmes, Howe, Hunter, Jacson, Jaggard, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Joyce, Keating, Kennedy, Kenney, Kernahan, Keyes, Kleinhenz, Lamb, Lindsay, Lippinott, Lovell, MacArthur, Marsh, Martin, McCarthy, McColl, McGinty, McKay, McMaster, Merrell, Milillo, Miller, Moyer, Myers, Mash, Nelson, Nevenger, Niles, Northway, O'Brian, O'Connell, O'Donnell, Olp, Osgoodby, Ostrander, Paine, Pappas, Parker, Passage, Peck, Pierce, Powerll, Pratt, Price, Rathbun, Reed, Roberts, Robinson, Rochford, Rowan, Rowe, Ryan, Ryll, Saltsman, Sanders, Sanford, Schwing, Service, Shaw, Sheffield, Shenton, Slaight, Slingerland, Smith, Spencer, Spohn, Stamp, Stanton, Staples, Stockweather, Templeton, Thompson, Tirrell, Torpey, Turbeville, Twist, Vail, Van Dorn, VanDusen, Van Gilder, Veley, Wagor, Wakeman, Walker, Wallace, Washburn, Watkins, Weaver, Wir, Westcott, White, Whitenack, Wilcox, Wilder, Willard, Willett, Williams, Wilner, Woodworth, Wright.

Dalton Surnames found in the directory.

Albor, Allen, Ames, Augustus, Aylor, Baker, Barker, Barnes, Barney, Bates, Bennett, Blackley, Boyd, Brandt, Buchinger, Bugman, Buno, Burr, Burt, Chase, Clute, Colton, Corbin, Cox, Cromwell, Davis, Dexter, Dodge, Douglass, Durkee, Duryea, Eisaman, Ess, Galton, Gelser, Getman, Gilbert, Gibson, Griffith, Grimes, Guy, Hamm, Hann, Hark, Haskins, Havens, Helm, Herrington, Hess, Hill, Holley, Holmes, Hotchkiss, Hubbard, Huff, Kacson, Jonker, Kelley, Kelly, Kemp, Laughlain, Letson, Lockwood, Lodge, Logan, Lowell, Ludwig, Lynde, McDonnell, McTarnaghan, Mehlengacker, Merithew, Mitchell, Monahan, Morse, Moses, Muir, Newland, Nusbickel, O'Connor, Paine, Parker, Patterson, Peterson, Pitt, Powers, Preston, Price, Ramsey, Ricketts, Russell, Ryan, Schneider, Scholes, Seager, Sherman, Shores, Shute, Skillinger, Slater, Smith, Sphoon, Squires, Stanton, STeth, Stewart, Stockweather, Sutherland, Swain, Taylor, Terbush, Teter, Thompson, Timothy, Townsend, Tuttle, Tyler, Veeley, Wakeman, Wallace, Wambold, Waters, Weaver, Weed, White, Whitneck, Whiting, Wilkins, Wirt, Woodard, Youngs,


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